
From the Settings menus, account administrators can control, manage and customize the various elements of the Volunteer Management service.


You must have either Administrator or Owner role permissions to view or edit Settings.


The Settings->Accounts page gives you control over who has access to the Manager Interface of your service. These are typically your HR or Volunteer staff who work with scheduling. These are not the Volunteers themselves, they get access to the Volunteer Portal.

Account List

From the Account List page, you’ll see a list of all your accounts and their assigned Role.

From this page, use the Add button to create a new account, or you can Edit an existing account.

Account Details

Accounts have the following fields:

First Name, Last Name

The account holder’s name.


E-Mail address for the account. For some older accounts, this may be a username but it is recommended to use an actual email address here so the account can use the password recovery feature if needed.


An Administrator (or the owner of the account) can change the account’s password. Otherwise leave this field blank.


User Accounts can have one of the following Roles:

User Account Roles




The Primary account holder. The Owner can assign and take away •Administrator* access for other users, and is the only one who can change certain Organization Settings (like the Organization Name). Otherwise, functionally equivalent to the Administrator role.


Administrators have access to all the Settings options and can create Events and Departments.


Accounts with the User role can perform the regular scheduling for volunteers, creating and assigning shifts. The do not have access to system settings and can not create Events or Departments.


A Disabled account does not have access to log into the system. Often is it preferred to Disable an account over deleting it.

Last Login

When the account last logged into the management interface.

Deleting Accounts

From the Edit Account screen and Administrator can delete an account. Owner accounts can not be deleted.

For tracking purposes, it’s recommended to change the accounts Role to Disabled in over deleting the account.


Achievements are badges that volunteers can earn by reaching certain goals. What those goals are is entirely up to you, the service only tracks when you award an achievement to a volunteer. The achievements earned by a volunteer are then visible in their Volunteer Portal.

Achievements also have levels, so you can define how many of an achievement need to be earned to reach a Silver or Gold rank.


Achievement Tracking must be enabled by the Organization Settings in order to access the Settings->Achievements page.

Achievements List

View the list of Achievements registered in the system. Use the Add button to create a new achievement, or you can Edit and existing record.

Achievement Details

Achievement Name

The name of the achievement. This name is visible to volunteers.


A text field to allow you to describe the criteria for earning the achievement. This field is not visible to volunteers.


Enable to make the achievement eligible to be rewarded to a volunteer. If not enabled, this reward will not be displayed as an available option for new rewards, but will still be displayed to any volunteers who have already earned it.

To Silver

An integer number for how many times this achievement needs to be earned by a volunteer in order to qualify for the Silver level (displayed as a “pip” along side the achievement icon).

To Gold

An integer number for how many times this achievement needs to be earned by a volunteer in order to qualify for the Gold level (displayed as a “pip” along side the achievement icon). The To Gold must be larger than the To Silver value.


Use the Change Image button to upload an image to represent your achievement “badge”. The achievement must first be saved before you can add an image.

Custom Fields

The Settings->Custom Fields page allows an administrator to customize some of the data fields collected for a Volunteer. While some “core fields” (like the name fields, email, date of birth) can not be changed, the following fields can be enabled or disabled based on your organization’s requirements.

These settings are service-wide and affect volunteers for all events.

There are three options for each field which can be toggled on or off.

Custom Field Options




Enable or disable if you want to collect this field for a Volunteer. If set to on, this field will be available on the Volunteer Details page of the management interface.

Display on Signup

If enabled, this field will be displayed on the Volunteer Signup page to be collected from a volunteer when they register for your event.


If enabled, this field will be required by a Volunteer on the Event Registration page. Custom fields are never required in the management interface.

Custom Field Descriptions


Physical address fields (Address Line 1&2, City, State, Postal Code, Country) for a volunteer. Address fields are also available in the Rewards report and useful if you need to mail the volunteer something (like rewards or a reimbursement check).

Emergency Contact

If you need to collect an Emergency Contact for the volunteer, enable this field. Adds three fields: a Name, Phone and Relation.

Forum Username

If your event has an online forum or other social media and you’d like to collect a username. Useful if you need to give the user special access like private volunteer forums.

Max Hours

If you would like the volunteer to let you know the maximum number of hours they would like to work your event. This field is only used for reference and ranking suggestions, it is not a hard limit.

Member ID

If your organization uses Member IDs that may be different than the identifier assigned to the volunteer.

Registration #

If you would like to track the volunteer’s registration numbers for the event. Useful for issuing reimbursements.

Shirt Size

Many events will provide their volunteers with T-Shirts. Enable to collect the shirt size from the volunteer. You can then view size requests in the Event Details report which can be useful when placing shirt orders.

Comments From Volunteer

Adds an open text box to the Volunteer Portal where the volunteer can enter comments.

W-9 Received

If your event requires collection of tax or other documents to me work eligibility requirements. This field is only used on the Management Interface and not displayed in the Volunteer Portal or signup pages.

Schedule in Advance

Some events schedule volunteers on site, some in advance and some a mix of both. If you would like the volunteer to be able to request being scheduled in advance, enable this field. You can then use this field as a Filter on the Volunteer List page.


The service is capable of sending emails to volunteers using your organization’s email server. That way, emails appear to originate from your organization’s domain instead of

Contact your Network Administrator to get the server settings for your organization and enter them here.

It is recommended to create a dedicated account for the Volunteer Management Service to use that is capable of sending mail as the user (or group) you desire.


Google Gmail or G-Suite Email

If using a Gmail or Google G-Suite account, do not enter your account password. Instead, create an App Password specifically for the service.


Use the following settings:


SMTP Security


Email Settings Descriptions


Hostname of your SMTP server. If using a port other than 25, follow the hostname with a :<port>,



Your SMTP account username.

SMTP Password

Your SMTP account password. See the note above for Gmail and G-Suite accounts.

SMTP Security

Most SMTP servers use some form of security to encrypt passwords (typically TLS). Specify yours here or None for clear-text (not recommended!)

E-Mail From Address

Overrides what email address is used for sending emails. For example, if you’re using an individual user’s account to send the email, but you want the email to appear to have been sent from a Group, enter the email address here. Your SMTP User must of course have access to send from the specified address. Otherwise leave blank.

E-Mail From Name

Same as E-Mail From Address, but overrides the display name used as the sender of the email.

Email Templates

The Settings->Email Templates page allows you to customize the appearance of the emails sent to your volunteers with the look and feel of your organization and event, along with the wording.

Beyond just letting the volunteer know their application has been approved, you can pass along important information like training information, contact details, important news or anything else you would like.

From the Email Templates List page, you can view the templates you have created. The In Use column lets you know which templates are currently in use by your portal Site, since you may want to customize your email templates for each event.

Use the Add button to create a new template, Edit to edit an existing template, or View if you’d like to see a sample of what the rendered template would look like.

Each template allows you to create an HTML and Plain Text version, which is displayed to the volunteer based on their personal email client settings.

Email Template Descriptions


The following email types are available:

Email Template Types

Template Type


Password Reset

When Volunteers use the Forgot My Password form in the Volunteer Portal. Make sure to add the [[password_url]] (Password URL) variable in your template.

Registration Submitted

Sent to a volunteer after submitting the Event Registration form.

Registration Approved

Sent to a volunteer when they are marked Approved for an event using the Approve + Send Email option.


Subject of the email message.


Description of the email template. For internal use, not displayed to the volunteer.

Embed Images?

If you would like your email to contain images, you do need them hosted on an external web server (The service currently does not support uploading of images for email templates). However, if you would like to embed the image in the email that is sent rather than link to the image externally, you can enable this option.

Enabling this option makes your email size larger, however some users block displaying of remote email images so embedding the image helps increase the chance the volunteer will see your image and potentially lowers your spam score.

Template Editor

A WYSIWYG editor is provided to allow you to customize your email template. If you are familiar with HTML, you can enter raw HTML code by going to Tools -> Source Code.


Please note the template editor has its own Save button that is separate from the main Update Email Template Settings button for the form at the top of the page.

Make sure to use the Save button on the editor to save any template changes.

You can also provide a base CSS Stylesheet that will be rendered with your email.

Also be sure to provide a Plain Text Email Template for users who disabled HTML email messages. Your email will be sent as a MIME Multipart message with both the HTML and Plain Text alternative available for your volunteer to view.

The following variables are available for use in your email template. You can insert them into your template by using the Variables menu in the editor, or just enter them directly.

[[ volunteer_identifier ]]
[[ volunteer_status ]]
[[ volunteer_givenname ]]
[[ volunteer_surname ]]
[[ volunteer_nickname ]]
[[ volunteer_pronouns ]]
[[ volunteer_email ]]
[[ volunteer_address1 ]]
[[ volunteer_address2 ]]
[[ volunteer_city ]]
[[ volunteer_state ]]
[[ volunteer_postalcode ]]
[[ volunteer_country ]]
[[ volunteer_telephone ]]
[[ volunteer_shirtsize ]]
[[ volunteer_forumuser ]]
[[ volunteer_econtact ]] - Emergency Contact
[[ volunteer_econtact_phone ]]
[[ volunteer_econtact_relation ]]
[[ event_name ]]
[[ event_location ]]
[[ event_city ]]
[[ event_state ]]
[[ event_country ]]
[[ password_url ]] - Password Reset templates only

Example Email Template

Below is a sample plain-text email template that shows the use of variables in your message.

Hello [[ volunteer_givenname ]]!

Congratulations!  Your volunteer registration for [[ event_name ]] has been approved!  Please
remember your Volunteer ID ([[ volunteer_identifier ]]), you will need it at the con.

So what happens next?

Orientation Meeting Schedule
* Thursday July 28 - 9:00 AM (Panel 1)
* Thursday July 28 - 4:00 PM (Panel 1)
* Friday July 29 - 9:00 AM (Volunteer Ops)
* Friday July 29 - 4:00 PM (Volunteer Ops)

We do require that you to attend one of these meetings before you can volunteer with us, even
if you have volunteered in previous years.

At the orientation meetings, we'll go over all the do's and don'ts, get you setup with your
schedules and get your badges.

Your Information
Below is the information we have on file for you.  If anything is incorrect or changes,
you may log back into the Gofer portal to keep us updated.

Volunteer ID: [[ volunteer_identifier ]]
Registration Status:  [[ volunteer_status ]]
Name: [[ volunteer_givenname]] [[ volunteer_surname ]]
E-Mail        [[ volunteer_email ]]
Address:      [[ volunteer_address1 ]]
[[ volunteer_address2 ]]
[[ volunteer_city ]], [[ volunteer_state ]] [[volunteer_postalcode ]] ([[ volunteer_country ]])
Telephone:    [[ volunteer_telephone ]]
Shirt Size:   [[ volunteer_shirtsize ]]

Thank you, welcome aboard and we look forward to seeing you!

- [[ event_name ]] Volunteer Ops Staff
  [[ event_dates ]]
  [[ site_url ]]


See the Events page.


The Settings->Organization page allows you to customize some global service settings for your organization.

Organization Name

The name of your organization. Only your account Owner can change this field.

Volunteer (Singular)

Do you call your Volunteers something other than “Volunteer”? If so, you can enter the singular term here and it will be used throughout the service in place of the word “Volunteer”. Otherwise leave this field blank to use the default “Volunteer”.

Volunteer (Plural)

The plural term used to identify your volunteers (see above). Leave this field blank to use the default “Volunteers”.

Volunteer Minimum Age

Enter the minimum age required for your volunteers to register for your event. The system will require volunteers be a minimum of this age by the first day of your event when registering. In the management interface, a warning label will be displayed if below this age.

Also displayed on this page are a list of the Owner and Administrator accounts, as well as a count of your total number of Volunteers.


The Settings->Sites page allows you to create and manage your Volunteer Portal.

The Site the location of your Volunteer Portal and where you will direct your volunteers to go to register to volunteer for your event. You can use our shared portal ( or your own custom domain. Contact your Network Administrator to have them setup a custom hostname in your event’s domain.

If you run multiple events, you can create a Site record for each event (using separate hostnames) and still share the same volunteers.

Notes for Network Administrators

Custom Domains

If you would like your Volunteer Portal to be accessible from your own domain, you will need to create a CNAME record in your DNS pointing to

For example, if your main website is, you might use

Your volunteer management staff will still access the Management Interface at, but your volunteers will access the registration pages using your custom domain.

SSL Certificates

In order for your volunteer portal to be operational, we will need to request HTTPS security certificates on your behalf (we use Let’s Encrypt). Once your CNAME record has been added to your DNS, please contact your sales representative with the hostname so they can have the certificate generated.

If you ever need to change your hostname, please let us know so we can generate the cerificate for the new name.

Site Details

The following options are available to configure your site.


Enable or disable the site.


The fully-qualified hostname for your site. Do not include “https” or any URL paths.

When you request a domain name from your organization’s IT/Network Administrator, register the name as a CNAME record pointing to (see Notes for Network Administrators above).


Title to be displayed on your website portal.


Attach an Event to the site. This will be the event Volunteers will be registering for from the site. If you run multiple concurrent events, you will need to create a Site record for each concurrent event.

Main Site URL

Your event website’s main URL. This will be displayed and linked from the Volunteer Portal. Provide the full URL (e.g.

Event Registration URL

Optional. The registration page for your event’s attendees. This will be displayed and linked from the Volunteer Portal. Provide the full URL (e.g.

Privacy Policy URL

Optional. Your event’s privacy policy. This will be displayed and linked from the Volunteer Portal. Provide the full URL (e.g.

Help URL

Optional. If your event has a “Contact Us” page or other helpdesk system, provide the URL here. This will be displayed and linked from the Volunteer Portal. Provide the full URL (e.g.

News Feed URL

Optional. If your event has a News Feed page, provide the URL here. This will be displayed and linked from the Volunteer Portal. Provide the full URL (e.g.

Login URL

Optional. If you would like your Volunteers to log into your website directly to reach the Volunteer Portal instead of logging into the portal, enter the URL here. This requires you to configure OAuth2 authentication on your website to communicate with the system. Please contact your sales representative in order to assist with this functionality. Leave blank for the default login system.

Allow Updates

Enable to allow Volunteers to change their information after they register. Many events turn off updates during the event or right before reward reports are generated.

Available Hours

Do you want to use the Volunteer Portal to collect available hours from your Volunteers? Set to Edit to allow users to enter their availability. View Only if they can view but not make any changes. Set to Disabled if you do not wish to use this feature.

Many events wait until their schedule has been released before turning on this feature, giving the Volunteer a chance to see the event schedule can allow them to provide you with a more accurate availability.

Scheduled Hours

Do you want to allow your volunteers to view their assigned shifts from the Volunteer Portal? Can be set to View Only or Disabled.

Display Rewards

Do you want to allow your volunteers to view their received rewards from the Volunteer Portal? Can be set to View Only or Disabled.


The Content tab of the Edit Site page allows for further customization of the content displayed on your Volunteer Portal. You can customize:

Site Content Types

Template Type


Homepage (bottom)

This is content that is displayed on the bottom of the landing/home page of the Volunteer Portal. The content will appear under a banner with a link to the Signup form.

Here you can display news, instructions or other information you would like your volunteers to know before they sign up.

Signup Form Notice

This content is displayed at the top of the volunteer registration form. This is for important messages or other information you think volunteers should have when filling out the registration form.

Due to the size of the form, it’s recommended to keep this content brief.

Help Page

If you did not supply a Help URL in the settings above, you can optionally supply content for a help page hosted on your Volunteer Portal. If content for a Help Page is supplied, a Help link will be displayed at the top of all Volunteer Portal pages.

The WYSIWYG editor allows you to enter and format content. If you are familiar with HTML, you can also provide raw HTML code by going to Tools->Source Code.

The following variables are available for use in your site templates. You can insert them into your template by using the Variables menu in the editor, or just enter them directly.

[[ event_name ]]
[[ event_dates ]]
[[ event_location ]]
[[ event_city ]]
[[ event_state ]]
[[ event_country ]]
[[ site_url ]]
[[ now ]]


The E-Mail tab of the Edit Site page allows you to set which Email Templates you would like to use for emails generated by this site. You can also override the default E-Mail From Adddress and E-Mail From Name that were set under your Email Settings. This allows you to have custom email settings for a specific event (if you run multiple/concurrent events).

E-Mail From Address

Override the “From” email address defined in your Email Settings. Leave blank to use the default setting.

E-Mail From Name

Override the “From” name defined in your Email Settings. Leave blank to use the default setting.

E-Mail Templates

Select among your existing Email Template descriptions for each of the template types: Password Reset, Registration Approved and Registration Submitted.